Convert string date field to Numeric date

  • How do i convert the string interviewdate field below into numeric date using the t-sql code.  it is a nightmare because the position vary between different months coz some months are longer in length than others e.g November is 8 characters and whereas May is only 3 charatesr therefore the position of the day and year will vary.  Otherwise it would have been easier.  I would highly appreciate if any member has an idea.

    November 07, 2005

    October 24, 2005

    November 07, 2005

    November 29, 2005

    December 19, 2005

    January 04, 2006

    January 16, 2006

    January 30, 2006

    February 01, 2006

    January 30, 2006

    February 27, 2006

    February 27, 2006

    October 31, 2005

    Thnaks Allan.

  • Just convert(datetime, 'xxx') directly

    select convert(datetime, str_date)



    select'November 07, 2005' as str_dateunion all

    select'October 24, 2005' as str_dateunion all

    select'November 07, 2005' as str_dateunion all

    select'November 29, 2005' as str_dateunion all

    select'December 19, 2005' as str_dateunion all

    select'January 04, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'January 16, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'January 30, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'February 01, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'January 30, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'February 27, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'February 27, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'October 31, 2005'

    ) d

  • Numeric Date ? what is the format ? Why do you want to store date in numeric, why not using datatime data type ?

    select convert(datetime, str_date), convert(int, convert(varchar(8), convert(datetime, str_date), 112))



    select'November 07, 2005' as str_dateunion all

    select'October 24, 2005' as str_dateunion all

    select'November 07, 2005' as str_dateunion all

    select'November 29, 2005' as str_dateunion all

    select'December 19, 2005' as str_dateunion all

    select'January 04, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'January 16, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'January 30, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'February 01, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'January 30, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'February 27, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'February 27, 2006' as str_dateunion all

    select'October 31, 2005'

    ) d

  • It should be a datetime format and it has work well.Thanks journeyman.  great day.


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