Views to be generated for particular ID

  • I have application in which whole application is depend upon the Values of PROJECT

    And this values comes from different Tables

    To get perfect values everywhere in Project i made a VIEW in which i take Summary of All data & Make one line Record Per PROJECT

    Now in one screen i want only for particular project & i used VIEW in it, but it is taking time to get record for only one PROJECT

    How can i restrict view to generate only for Particular PROJECT


    Table - Project

    Id    Project Name


    1     Project 1

    2     Project 2

    Table - Value1

    ProjectId       Value


    1               100

    1               200

    2               50

    2              150

    Table - Value2

    ProjectId         Value


    1               20

    2               50


    I Made View like This


    CREATE VIEW View_Project


    SELECT ProjectId, SUM(Value) As ProjectValue


    ( SELECT ProjectId, Value FROM Value1


       SELECT ProjectId, Value FROM Value2)


    GROUP BY ProjectId


    By this way i am getting total Value of Project in One Line

    But when i want to use i will write query like this

    SELECT ProjectId, ProjectValue

    FROM View_Project

    WHERE ProjectId = 1

    But view will be created for All project & if Project/Data are more then it will take time for One Record also

    How can i solve this Problem

    It will be great help if i get some solution

    Thanks in advance

  • create function dbo.GetProjectvalue(@projectid int)

    returns int



    declare @projectvalue int

    SELECT @projectvalue=SUM(Value)


    ( SELECT  Value FROM Value1 where <A href="mailtorojectid=@projectid">Projectid=@projectid


       SELECT  Value FROM Value2 where <A href="mailtorojectid=@projectid">Projectid=@projectid

    ) as a

    return @projectvalue



    select projectid,dbo.GetProjectvalue(projectid) from project

    where projectid=1


  • Thanks for your response

    I have done same way but instead of integer type

    i have taken RETURN type as TABLE & by this way i got Multiple Value in a Single Line

    & here i can send multiple Project No. in CSV format

    by this way i will get multiple project no values in a TABLE & link it to my other SELECT Statement


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