SQL Agent mail not sending the email

  • Hi,

           Can any one help me in getting this issue resolved? I am trying to send email through the SQL agent mail and i have set up the mail notification for operators. when i test it, It says that the "Message has been sent successfully" but i dont receive any mail. Can anyone tell me what exactly the problem could be. The domain account has got all the necessary permissions for sending and receiving the email.

    Please help me out!!!

    Thanks for the help




  • are you sure youre mail server is working fine. check badmail folder to verify

    My Blog: http://dineshasanka.spaces.live.com/

  • where do i find the badmail folder? Please let me know. I spoke to the person who manages the exchange server and they went into that box and tried sending mail from that box and i got a mail from that box. it clearly says that that domain has got all the required permissions to send out the emails.

  • C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Badmail or wherever you have inetpub set up for.

    There are 2 places to setup mail. one is under suport services, where you select the profile. This one is used when you execute xp_sendmail (or whatever the sp is for sending mail). I'm guessing that's what your exchange person did.

    The other place, and this sounds like where you're screwed up, is under sql server agent properties, under the general tab. You have to select the mail profile there, too.

  • The mail profile in sql agent properties under the general tab is selected correctly.

    I saw few issues hope this helps:

    I logged into that server in which i am finding issues and tried to open up outlook and it gave me an error saying that the windows installer is not properly installed.........

    I went into control panel->mail->show profiles->selected the profile and clicked on properties-> email accounts

    once i clicked on the email accounts it gave me the same error "windows installer is not properly installed........."

    does this mean that the outlook is not properly installed on that box which is causing the problem or it doesnt matter even if the outlook doesnt open?

    And in that domain account under outlook i see a .pst file, is it blocking the email from being sent from sql.

    Any help is really appreciated.

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