Log Bloat when Performing Initial DB Push Using Transactional Replication

  • We have a 24 GB database we are replicating to a backup server.

    The partition on the backup server being used to hold the database is 60 GB with nothing else taking up space on the drive.

    The problem I am running in to is that the initial synchronization of the database is causing the log file on the subscriber to grow to such an extent the drive is running out of space, which in turn is causing replication to fail.

    Are there any strategies I could/should be using to minimize or manage log file growth during the inital sync?

    Any advice would be appreciated.


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  • How are you pushing data to backup server to replicate?  Are you using DTS or inserts?  Log file will fill if you are using inserts or updates or deletes. DTS also uses inserts?  My advice will be to do in batches like 10,000 records at a time and keep backing up and truncating log file.

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