Need to calculate %

  • Hi All

    I am a new user of reporting services and i am trying to calculate %.

    i am doing this simply with the help of expression with this formula


    It is working well but sometime my Sale value is zero in that case it gives me "#Error " entry on my report.

    How i can get rid of it?

    Many Thanks.




  • Hey,

    Try this

    =IIF(Fields!Sales.Value0,Fields!Margin.Value)/ IIF(Max(Fields!Sales.Value)=0,1,Max(Fields!Sales.Value))," ")


    Raj Deep.A

  • Many Thanks for reply

    I tried that and got this error

    Argument not specified for falsepart of public funcation IIF(Expression as boolean,True Part As Object,Falsepart as Object) as Object.



  • Hi,


    Fields!Margin.Value)/ IIF(Max(Fields!Sales.Value),



    Try with this.


    Thanks & Regards,

    Kumar KP.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Hi Kumar KP

    Many Thanks for response but having same error msg which i posted in the last post...........


    Kind Regard's


  • Try:

    =IIF(Fields!Sales.Value<>0, Fields!Margin.Value/Fields!Sales.Value ,"")

  • An iff statement will not work when checking for a zero value before division.  .NET evaluates the true/false portion of the statement first and as such, will immediately throw an error.  To get around this, use a custom function in your code using a try-catch.

  • Further to David's response:

    1. On the Report Menu (in Layout veiw) choose Report Properties

    2. Select the Code Tab and create a function, e.g.:

    Function DivideMe (ByVal quotient As Double, ByVal divisor As Double) As Double

      dim returnValue as Double = 0

      If (divisor <> 0) Then

        returnValue = quotient / divisor

      End If

      return returnValue


    End Function

    3. Back in the report, in the expression editor type

    =Code.GetMargin(Fields!Margin.Value, Fields!Sales.Value)



  • Excellent .................

    Many Thanks TomT, #Error is removed from my report now it's showing 0% instead of #error tag.

    Once again thanks for solving my problem and for giving me new tip.......


    Kind Regard's




  • You're welcome

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