DateTime Conversion to UTC and Back

  • Date Conversion using UTC


    --This Works using Seconds

    --Be aware that 32-bit signed integer overflows on dates past January 2038.

    --Original UTC Time as DateTime for comparison after restore

    Declare @OrigUTCTime DateTime

    Select @OrigUTCTime = GetUTCDate()

    Select @OrigUTCTime as 'Original UTC DateTime'

    --Original UTC Time in Seconds

    Declare @UTCTimeinSeconds int

    Select @UTCTimeinSeconds = DateDiff(ss,{ ts '1970-01-01 00:00:00' }, GETUTCDATE())

    Select @UTCTimeinSeconds as 'Original UTCTime in Seconds'

    --Restored UTC Time in Seconds to UTC DateTime

    Select DateAdd(ss, @UTCTimeinSeconds, { ts '1970-01-01 00:00:00' }) as 'Restored UTCTime from Seconds'


    --Milliseconds instead of seconds doesn't work

    --Original UTC Time as DateTime

    Declare @OrigUTCTime DateTime

    Select @OrigUTCTime = GetUTCDate()

    Select @OrigUTCTime as 'Original UTC DateTime'

    --Original UTC Time in MilliSeconds

    Declare @UTCTimeinMilliSeconds Numeric

    Select @UTCTimeinMilliSeconds = DateDiff(ms,{ ts '1970-01-01 00:00:00' }, GETUTCDATE())

    Select @UTCTimeinMilliSeconds as 'Original UTCTime in MilliSeconds'

    --Restored UTC Time in MilliSeconds to UTC DateTime

    Select DateAdd(ms, @UTCTimeinMilliSeconds, { ts '1970-01-01 00:00:00' }) as 'Restored UTCTime from MilliSeconds'


    My Assumption is its exceeding the limit for the output.

    Problem is even the first batch of queries will fail once we reach date Jan 2038.

    Does anyone have a solution ?



  • Note that DATEDIFF and DATEADD return INT, not BIGINT; that may well be the limitation you're running into.

    Couldn't you just take your "seconds" result, multiply by 1000, and assign it to a BIGINT value?

    Hope this helps..

    Take care..

    - Ward Pond

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