SqlServer uses 50-80% of CPU

  • One of SqlServers uses 50-80% of CPU. What can be the reason for it?

    It runs on Windows Server 2003, 2 GB RAM, 2.79 GHz.

    Memory Usage  of sqlserv.exe - 1,427,016K.

    Web applications, that bases on  databases on this server, are very slowly.

    Any ideas will be appreciated.

  • Without knowing the setup i'd probably start with asking about indexes, do you have any and how often are they being updated.  I'd take a look at profiler to identify long running queries and investigate the execution plans for them to help with the indexing analysys.

    You should also consider that the server may not be setup/configured properly, are the MDF files on a RAID array? are the LDF files on a seperate array? Do you have the web applications working on the same server or do they live on their own box?  The list is practically endless

    It's hard to identify the cause of a problem without proper information but if nothing else this should give you somewhere to start from.

    Let us know how you get on, or if you need any additional help

  • Have you tried running a profiler trace to determine the batches / procedures that are utilizing the most CPU time?  This may give you a starting point of troubleshooting to go from.


    DBA with an attitude

  • Lina,

    Try creating a baseline performance output to identify when these spikes are happening. Also, make sure sql is the only thing running on this machine if possible. Then you can use profiler to identify poorly written queries. Norton has caused one or two of my machines to perform poorly, so now i make sure nothing runs on it. Is this a cluster? I had some CPU and write problems with one of my clusters which turned out to be a controler on the SAN....what a nightmare that was.


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