SQL Server Agent - Scheduled Job - JOBS Log

  • My company has recently locked down everyone's access in SQL Server.  I do production support and need to be able to look at the Job Log under Management --> SQL Server Agent --> Jobs.  Currently with the lock down changes I can no longer look at the Jobs Log.  Is there an account in SQL Server or a way to give someone just access to the Jobs Log?

  • Job owner or member of SA can view job. You can ask the SA to give you the ownership of the jobs.


    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • I know they won't make me a member of SA because that gives you too much system access.  How do you make someone the owner of a job?

  • EXEC sp_update_job @job_name = <Job Name>, @owner_login_name = <Your Name>

    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • What if the job runs under a different login name then mine?  Can I still be the owner or does the login it runs under need to be the owner?  Basically I just want to have the ability to view the job log and nothing more. 

  • So by runnning EXEC sp_update_job @job_name that will make you the owner of the SCHEDULED JOB but not the packages in it?

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