Hyperlink parameters in a function

  • OK...I'm using a function to determine what to return in a hyperlink...either a mailto: or a link to an image document where we are dynamically building the URL (based on a search).  I'm having a hard time opening the image document (which is rendered in PDF) in a NEW window.  I'm including the code below.  Any ideas?

    Here's the Navigation function expression for that "textbox": 

    =Iif (Fields!STATUS.Value <> "6",("http://xxxxxsw16/tiffpilot/bin/tiffpilot.exe?FN=" & code.DisplayLink(Fields!SigFullPath) & "&PD=1"),"mailto:xxxx@xxxxxx.com?Subject=Restore%20Request%20For%20Archived%20Document&Body=Please%20restore%20the%20following%20document.%0A%0ACustomer%20Name:%20"& Fields!DOCNAME.Value & "%0A%0AAcct#:%20"& Fields!ACCOUNTNO.value & "%0A%0AObligor#:%20" & Fields!OBLIGORNO.value & "%0A%0ASystem:%20"& Fields!library.Value & "%0A%0ASSN:%20"& fields!SSNO1.Value &"&CC="& (Right(User!UserID,5)) & "@x.xxx.com")

    Here's the custom code for DisplayLink:

    Public Function DisplayLink(ByVal mySigPath) As String

    Dim strMapLink As String

        Dim _SigCardPath As String = mySigPath.ToString()

     _SigCardPath = _SigCardPath.replace("%", "%25")

     _SigCardPath = _SigCardPath.replace("#", "%23")

     strMapLink = _SigCardPath

     Return strMapLink

    End Function

  • Not sure if it's a typo but you've left off the '.Value' from the Fields!SiFullPath part of the pdf URL.


  • Yeah...it was a typo.  It does have .value in my code.



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