How to access body of Stored Procedure?

  • Can someone help me?

    I need a command to get the body (text) of all stored procedures?

    In other words, I want to say SET @MYVAR = (SELECT All Stored Procedure Code WHERE NAME LIKE 'SOMETHING%')

    Thank you!

  • select, S.Text from

    sysobjects O


    join syscomments S on O.ID = S.ID

    --Where O.Name like 'Something'


    by, S.colid

  • sp_helptext [ @objname = ] 'name' [ , [ @columnname = ] computed_column_name ]

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Yelena, that will only give the first 256 characters of the proc per line.....

  • Scorpion, thank you very much for your help!

    I don't suppose there is a way to format them the way SQL Server displays them when you open a stored procedure? (line breaks, etc.)

  • IF you use this approach, remember the little gottcha if you try to run it in SQL Server 2000 environment; the rowsize is 8094 bytes, you can't sort and you cannot get ALL of the SP text in one record (with SPs bigger then 8094 chars) if you do not do some fancy transformations.



    Correction: SQL Server 2005 has the same behaviour. Which means you have to be careful of big SPs.

  • If you retrieve the query text it will contain the linebreaks and linefeeds you need for formatting your SP the way your GUI does. So if you just display the SP text with the help of some decent front end programming language, you will automatically benefit from the inherit T-SQL formatting...



  • I looked up the solution that Brian Kelly found last year answering to my question on the same topic:


    As an example:


    I tested his solution and added a comment that we have to change the number of characters that query returns from 256 to whatever number you need if you are returning results in text. See discussion at


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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