Passing Login Credentials to Reporting Services

  • My reporting services site requires a login to access it. We want to integrate it with a VB application making a URL call. I see that you can pass parameters to reports but could we pass the login/pass to the RS site so the users won't have to login again? I'd like to make a folder of reports specific to this app. The VB app would logon  in the background when the report button is clicked. Thanks!

  • Do you have to use the URL or could you use the webservice? With the webservice you can easily set the uid/pwd for the call.

    If not, I can only assume that VB6 will give you some sort of http object to make the calls, maybe this has properties on it you can set with the current user context?


  • Steve is right. Using URL access, you can only change the datasource credentials. Use the web service at http://localhost/reportserver/reportservice.asmx

    Check out the RS BOL for the topic:

    Walkthrough – Accessing the Reporting Services Web Service Using Visual Basic or Visual C#.

  • Steve,

    Thanks as usual for the reply. I guess we could use the webservice but I'm really sure what webservice your referring too (doh)?

    I have an exsiting RS website set up that remote sales reps and customers access right now. We were thinking we could just call it via a URL (a VB6 button that magically makes RS website appear) But our internal app should be a little more seemless when accessing reports (oh no...not another login box!) (one option I found is in IE under security can select to automatically login that is until you probably change your domain password and then you have to reset the RS website login in IE)

    We just started looking into this. I'm not a VB developer but the reports our VB6 app calls are basic SQL queries and aren't very nice looking or very dimensional (one RS report is usually a combination of 3 of those reports). Not having personal experience with VB6 development I couldn't tell you that this a a functional handicap of VB6 or that it's our programmer. (anyone have any good links to nice VB6 GUIs? I'd like to get ideas- our app needs a lot of Plastic Surgery)

  • Thanks Michael....I'll check that out. 

  • As Michael posted, you should be able to find info on the webservice in BOL. Also if you hit the URL he pasted directly (change server names if required) you'll see the WSDL for the service and get a rough idea of the methods available.

    The only real downside I see to using the webservice is the current issue (RS2K, not checked RS2K5) of having 'drilling' reports (eg where you have the cross next to a group and can expand/collapse the group) and I think also drill through reports. The code (javascript usually) for these has references to the server rather than be capturable by your code, so with the drill-down approach, your user ends up being in URL access mode rather than remaining 'boxed' in your delivery of the report.


  • we have the same problem, but our develop language is VFP9, could any one give us a hint to solve this problem?

    Basically, our app will work over a local network or using Terminal Service connections, so we need the reports are accesible (without any login) for the users that already logon on the server, but no for external web users.


    Thanks in advance

  • Maybe take a look at some hints from some good guys in Australia.  From memory it talks about having an anonymous site and a secured site (for admin) whch maybe you could use as a basis for an anon site and the secure (internal users) site.

    This is the link.

    Lots of good ideas on the SSW site, well worth a look.  Adam knows his stuff.



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