DTS package that manages execution of SQL Server jobs

  • All,

    I am attempting to write a DTS package (ActiveX Script and a couple of Execute SQL Task scripts) that will manage the order of execution of several other DTS packages that have been transformed into SQL Server jobs but are not scheduled.  The reason I cannot just schedule the jobs is that their execution is dependent on the completion of other events which take place outside of SQL Server.  One such event is the creation of a file.  Another is the insert of a particular column in a table in an Oracle database indicating that the data warehouse load for a particular subject area is complete.

    I have a JobQueue table that contains the name of a job, the date/time it was queued, the date/time it was started, and the date/time it was completed (as well as a meaningless key value for an id column).

    The JobQueue table starts each day empty.  I want to write an ActiveX script in a DTS package that:

    • executes the first job of the day
    • goes into a busy wait loop that does the following:

    • check to see if there are any jobs waiting to be executed
    • starts the execution of all jobs that are waiting (using sp_start_job)
    • checks to see if loop exit conditions have been met and exits if they have

    I have the part that manages each individual job complete.  Each job updates the corresponding job_started column of the JobQueue table when it begins.  Each job updates the corresponding job_completed column of the JobQueue when it is finished running.

    The problem comes in at the call to sp_start_job.  For some reason, before the job is able to update its row in the JobQueue table to indicate that it has started, the loop comes all the way around to checking to see if there are jobs waiting, thinks this one is (because its job_started column is still NULL), and attempts to run sp_start_job on it again, which results in an error because that job is already running.

    My latest attempt at coding follows.  As you can see, I've tried brute-force loop counting in an effort to slow down the master script in order to give the under-scripts time to execute, but that has not worked.

    If anyone has done something like this, or have ideas on how to handle it, please let me know.  Also, if there are more blanks for me to fill in and explain of my thinking regarding this project, please ask.



    ===== code follows =====



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script



    Function Main()

    Dim thisPackage

    Dim loopCount

    Dim jobsComplete

    Dim jobsCount

    Dim pauseCount

    loopCount = 0

    Set thisPackage = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent


    jobsComplete = DTSGlobalVariables("gvJobsComplete").Value

    Do While (jobsComplete  <> 3)

    'Begin while loop

    loopCount = loopCount + 1

    'Check JobQueue table for queued but not started jobs


    WriteToLog("Checked for queued jobs")

    pauseCount = 1

    Do While (pauseCount < 250000)

    pauseCount = pauseCount + 1


    'For each of them:

    jobsCount = DTSGlobalVariables("gvJobsCount").Value

    If jobsCount > 0 Then

    WriteToLog(" Found at least one queued job")

    'Determine the next job name



    pauseCount = 1

    Do While (pauseCount < 250000)

    pauseCount = pauseCount + 1


    WriteToLog(" Determined queued job name")

    logText = " Queued job name is: " + _



    'Execute the next job


    pauseCount = 1

    Do While (pauseCount < 250000)

    pauseCount = pauseCount + 1


    DTSGlobalVariables("gvNextJobName").Value = Null

    WriteToLog(" Executed queued job")

    pauseCount = 1

    Do While (pauseCount < 250000)

    pauseCount = pauseCount + 1


    jobsCount = jobsCount - 1

    End If


    jobsComplete = DTSGlobalVariables("gvJobsComplete").Value

    WriteToLog("Checked to see if jobs were complete")


    'End while loop


    loopStr = "Loop executed " + CStr (loopCount) + " times."

    WriteToLog loopStr

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Sub WriteToLog(logText)

    Const ForAppending = 8

    Dim logFSO

    Dim logFile

    Dim logFileName

    Dim ETLDir

    ETLDir = \\servername\foldername

    logFileName = ETLDir & "\JobQueueLog.txt"

    Set logFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set logFile = logFSO.OpenTextFile(logFileName, ForAppending, True)



    Set logFile = Nothing

    Set logFSO = Nothing

    End Sub


  • From my experience, it is much cheaper (in terms of development effort and system resources) to let SQL Agent manage the polling loop. I would create a DTS package implementing your loop body and scheduled it as SQL Agent job running on a frequent schedule.


    Anatol Romanov

    SQL Server MCP

    Sydney, Australia

    analysts {a t} fitbits.com.au

  • Anatol,

    Thanks for your suggestion.  I think that's what I'm trying to do.  I plan on getting that ActiveX script working within a DTS package and then schedule that job.

    Unfortunately, my experience so far is that I am not able to make it work due to the timing issues I described in the original post.

    Perhaps if you had an example I could look at to see how your suggestion is different from what I have presented so far, I would be able to implement it as you suggested.


    Dan McCue

  • Dan, what I suggested is NOT what you described in your first post:


    The JobQueue table starts each day empty.  I want to write an ActiveX script in a DTS package that:

    • executes the first job of the day
    • goes into a busy wait loop that does the following:

      • check to see if there are any jobs waiting to be executed
      • starts the execution of all jobs that are waiting (using sp_start_job)
      • checks to see if loop exit conditions have been met and exits if they have

    I have the part that manages each individual job complete.  Each job updates the corresponding job_started column of the JobQueue table when it begins.  Each job updates the corresponding job_completed column of the JobQueue when it is finished running.


    Try to simplify your DTS package by removing all the loops, as they are pure waste of CPU resource. Make a simple package which will check your Job Queue and if there is a job ready - it will run it. That's all the package should do. Then schedule this package to run as a job as frequently as is required. To set frequency value to less than a minute you can use multiple schedules with a shift. For instance, to run the polling job every 30 sec set up 2 schedules with 1 min frequency: one starts on a minute, the other one - 30 secs later.

    Hope this helps,



  • Thanks for the clarification.  I understand how your suggestion is different now.  I will give it a shot and let you know.



  • I think you might want to look at enablaing/disabling package steps in ActiveX scripts dotted about the package e.g. at the beginning...

     set pkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

     set stpFinished = pkg.Steps("DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_3")

     stpFinished.DisableStep = True


    Then later on...

     'The trick to looping in DTS is to set the step at the start of the loop to an execution status of waiting

     stpbegin.ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Waiting

    Then the real test if we should loop. In this case the function ShouldLoop (not listed)  tests for excel files in a given directory and I count the no. of files processed...

     set pkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

     set stpEnterLoop = pkg.Steps("DTSStep_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_1")

     if ShouldILoop = true then




      DTSGlobalVariables("gv_ListOfFiles").Value=DTSGlobalVariables("gv_ListOfFiles").Value+" "+fn

      stpEnterLoop.DisableStep = False

      stpEnterLoop.ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Waiting


      set stpFinished = pkg.Steps("DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_3")

      stpEnterLoop.DisableStep = True

      stpFinished.DisableStep = false

      stpFinished.ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Waiting

     end if

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    I'm sorry if this isn't too clear, I cannot release the full code set, but I hope it's enough to put you on the right track.


  • To Anatol -- I finally got some time to implement your suggestion above.  It is working almost flawlessly.  I believe the problems (which required the "almost") are due to what Derek suggested in his post above.  I have implemented Derek's disable/enable step suggestions also and will be testing them during tomorrow's run (Dec 29 05).

    Thank you for your suggestion.  Once I am finished I will publish the ActiveX script and the details about my multiple schedules.


    Dan McCue

  • You could also implement this totally using Anatol's scheduled job suggestion and forget using a DTS package.

    A scheduled job has the basic looping and/or retry mechanism that's needed. eg: On Failure Goto Step X, or for retrying a step, specify retry attempts and retry interval on the advanced tab of the step.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Forget managing this in DTS.  This is what the job scheduler already excels at!  Viewing the job history of the job makes it really easy to undertand your progess/retry status and amount of time each step takes, and where your bottlenecks are. 

    I hope this gives y'all some ideas for organizing future processes:

    Processes that run in logical sequence dependent on the previous process can be a single job with the sequential processes as job steps.  Each step is told to retry x times at x intervals if step fails.  You force fail the step if it's dependency criteria are not met.  Is the file there?  No?  Fail me.  Yes?  Carry on.  Is that Oracle record there?  No?  Fail me.  Yes?  Carry on.  If your step is a dts, this is extremely easy to implement using your workflow properties inside your dts package - force fail package on workflow failure where appropriate.  This will bubble up failure to the job step.  An easy way to force failure due to job step dependency is to check your step criteria and write pass/fail to a global var - say for example, write FAIL as an output parameter from an ExecSql when myRecord does not exist.  Then read the var in an ActiveX.  If pass, the ActiveX functions returns success.  If fail, the ActiveX function returns failure.  Then your package fails, so your job step fails.  Since the job step fails, it waits and retries!  Voila!  That's all there is to it!

    Since the scheduler runs in sequence, if you have two steps that can run simultaneously you can save time by doing this: code them as dts packages, put them inside a mother dts and execute them in parallel.

    If you modularize your job thoughtfully into atomic steps, when a step gives up retrying and stops the job, it is easy to simply restart the job on that step when the data is ready! 

    Have fun!

    [font="Courier New"]ZenDada[/font]

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