How to switch from Integrated Windows authentication to Basic authentication?..

  • guys,

    I tried switching from Integrated windows authentication to Basic authentication with SSL of course in my reporting services. I have encountered this error.

    Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    Any help will be highly appreciated

    thanks in advance






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  • Do you have SQL Server set up for both SQL Server and Windows on the server? To check this right click on the server, select properties,then tab Security. Under Authentication find your answer.

    For SQL server authentication you need a userid and password in the database which needs to passed in your connection string.

    Kindest Regards,

    G. Mohr

  • Yes, reporting services requires SQL server and Windows server in the same box. I can access the report manager when i am using integrated windows authentication in the web server that is hosting the Reporting services. What I need to do is give acces to all users using the basic authentication. When ever i change the Security of the ReportServer and Report website from integrated to basic authentication I can no longer access the Report Manager. 

     I am not using SQL authentication for the Reporting services. I am using Basic authentication to access the report manager which is a web interface of the reporting services.

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