How to locate error rows from DTS Exception Log

  • I am using an ActiveX script thru DTS in Sql2000 to transfer some data. Apparantly there is some bad data in one of the fields that I am trying to move and the transfer chokes on the bad data. I have an exception log created that tells me the error is occuring at "Error at Source for Row number 262834" My problem is that I do not know how to find that specific row what is Row 262834, I have a Primary Key on that table called CSMAINID, is there a way to have the value from CSMAINID for the bad row go to the exception log, or how do I go about finding the row just from its "Row Number"

    Here is the full error log.


    Package Name: TESTING

    Package Description: Transformations also done in Select Query prior to task

    Package ID: {C8AB89C6-A5C2-4944-8E86-0D0F635DFF91}

    Package Version: {836E9170-A4E3-4FD0-B299-3143B2E245BA}

    Step Name: Copy Data from CSMAIN to [Leas].[dba].[cfs] Step

    Execution Started: 2/6/2006 11:48:00 AM

    Error at Source for Row number 262834. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1. 

    Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

    Error Description:Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.

    Error Help File:

    Error Help Context ID:0


    Execution Completed: 2/6/2006 11:49:51 AM

  • Hello David,

    Check up the table "cfs" and find out the last row it has inserted into it and based on it you can find the same in the source data file.

    Thanks and have a nice day!!!


  • Thanks but because the transfer fails no data get written to the cfs table, is there a way to make it write even if it fails?

  • Go to the Options tab in the Transform Data Task Properties.

    In the Data movement section change your Max Error count from zero (to anything higher, depending on how many errors you want to allow)

    In the Exception file section, put a file location\name in the Name section. (I leave the default 7.0 format)

    Re-Run your Transform Data task, the offending rows will be in the Exception file, and the remaining rows will be in your destination table.

    Hope this helps..

  • I assume you are running it in the designer screen:

    In the ActiveX Script, trap the error and make the script display the key data should an error be found. Example:

    Function Main()

    On Error Goto MyMess

    --- Your transforms are here ---

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    Exit Function


    Msgbox DTSSource("KeyColumn1") & "|" & DTSSource("KeyColumn1") {& etc....}

    End Function

    It will messagebox you with the first error only then it will fail the package. If you have subsequent data errors, you will need to deal with them one at a time.

  • BTW,

    Be sure to comment the msgbox out before you schedule the package.

  • I like the messagebox method, thanks. I have recieved another idea from another source as shown below, this worked well also. Yours is eaiser to implement though, thanks.


    INTO #Temp


    SELECT * FROM #temp WHERE LineNumber = 262834

    DROP Table #Temp

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