A join query

  • I have an application where I have to record the attendance of employees. Therefore, I have a table called Attendance with the following columns -

    emp_name varchar, log_time datetime, in_out tinyint.

    When an employee enters the office his name, time of entrance is stored in the table, and a value of 1 is stored in 'in_out'. When he leaves the office, the name, time of exit, and a value of 0 is stored in 'in_out'. This way the attendance of every employee is recorded.

    Now, I have to prepare a query on this table which returns me the number of hours an employee has reported to office in a given month. I need to generate this per employee.

    As you can see, I have the necessary information in the Attendance table. Can someone suggest how to go about this query?


  • assumption : time in and time out are of same day

    select emp_name, convert(char(7), work_date, 121) as work_month, sum(work_hour) as total_work_hour



    selects.emp_name, convert(datetime, convert(char(8), s.log_time, 112)) as work_date, min(s.log_time) as start_time, max(e.log_time) as end_time,

    work_hour = datediff(minute, min(s.log_time), max(e.log_time)) / 60.0

    from#log s inner join #log e

    ons.emp_name= e.emp_name

    andconvert(char(8), s.log_time, 112)= convert(char(8), e.log_time, 112)

    wheres.in_out= 1

    ande.in_out= 0

    group by s.emp_name, convert(datetime, convert(char(8), s.log_time, 112))

    ) work_daily

    group by emp_name, convert(char(7), work_date, 121)

  • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Does NOT require TimeIn/TimeOut be on same day... only requires that for every TimeIn, there is a TimeOut and that there are no "straggler" TimeOut's from the previous month.

     SELECT Emp_Name,


            ((SELECT SUM(CAST(Log_Time AS FLOAT)) FROM yourtable WHERE In_Out=0 AND Emp_Name = t.Emp_Name)

            -(SELECT SUM(CAST(Log_Time AS FLOAT)) FROM yourtable WHERE In_Out=1 AND Emp_Name = t.Emp_Name))

           *24 AS DECIMAL(4,1)) AS TotalHours

       FROM yourtable t

      GROUP BY Emp_Name

    --Jeff Moden

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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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