Sql Server 2005 Report Server & VS 2005

  • I need to begin planning our upgrade to Sql Server 2005 with the intent to focus on Reporting Services. We will upgrade all our reports to incorporate several of the new features (multiple selects, calendars etc)...We currently use VS 2003 and .net 1.1... As I understand it Sql Server 2005 uses .net 2.0. My question is, will I need to upgrade to VS 2005 in order to write/modify reports in Sql Server 2005. I believe I read an article where in order to bring reports over to Sql Server 2005 I just need to load them into the new Report Designer. We did not buy the complete VS 2003 but rather just one of the components VB.net in order to use the Report Designer...So what are my options for writing reports when I move to the new 2005 Sql Server and Report Server??? Thanks...

  • In SQL Server 2005 there is a tool called Business Itelligence Studio where you create your reports, Analysis Services stuff and SSIS bits so you no longer need to buy a seperate copy of Visual Studio.

    When you open a report SQL Server 2000 reporting services reports in this new tool it wioll offer to upgrade them to the new format for you. I have tried this with september CTP and all my current reporting services reports work fine. I have not tried deploying a SQL server 2000 report directly from Visual Studio 2003 however.



  • Thanks David,

    Now that you have pointed me in the right direction I have gone to several web sites where they deal with this subject in some detail. You have saved me a great deal of time and effort trying to track this down...Thanks again

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