Best way to remove a character in a field...

  • I have a table in which certain columns contain a character which I wish to get rid of. What's the best technique to use to get rid of this character?

    The character can appear anywhere within the string value.

  • If the occurrance of the character is always to be removed then do and update with

    set col = replace(col, 'character','')

    and so you minimize the number of updates use

    where charindex('character',col) > 0


    Tes it to make sure you get the desired effect before using on production thou.

  • I came up with the following based on your example but I get an "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'where'." message on line 4. Can you help me out with what I am doing wrong.


    declare @string char(32)

    set @string = 'abxcxefg'

    set @string = replace(@string,'x','')

    where charindex('x',@string) > 0

    select @string





  • what Antares meant to say is :

    Update MyTable set MyColumn = replace (MyColumn, 'x', '')

    where charindex ('x', MyColumn) > 0

    that way only the columns that actually need modifying would be affected... reducing disk I/O and update speed.

  • a 'where' clause can not be used with a 'SET' statement, in your example, change the 'SET' to a 'SELECT' as follows:

    declare @string char(32)

    set @string = 'abxcxefg'

    select @string = replace(@string,'x','')

    where charindex('x',@string) > 0

    select @string

    Of course, when you apply this logic to a table 'UPDATE' statement, the where clause will also be valid.

  • In your case as you are using a variable and not a col in a table you would not use the WHERE clause. The previous poster stated it was a column in a table so they would need it to narrow rows to be affected.





     Col1 = replace(Col1,'x','')


     charindex('x',Col1) > 0

    The where clause controls the rows to be updated so it does not affect all. If for example only 300 rows out 12 million need to be updated the where will enforce to only do those 300 otherwise 12 million rows will be affected which means more transactions and more logging to the log file take place.

  • Thanks to all for the excellent responses.



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