Parameter syntax

  • I'm working with some developers on a web service that must access data on both SQL Server and oracle  db's. The Oracle db is choking on the @ in the parameter.

    Is there a config option in SQL server to change the @ to something else more acceptable to Oracle ?  I'm sure someone has seen done this. Please help.



  • BOL states:


    Is the name of a variable of any type except cursor, text, ntext, or image. Variable names must begin with one at sign (@). Variable names must conform to the rules for identifiers. For more information, see Using Identifiers.

    Using Identifiers follows up with also stating the @ must be used. 


    This is not something I have come across, so hopefully someone can find a more satifying answer for you.  If not, could you move you code into Stored Procedures and call those from your front end?  That way you may be able to over come this issue by naming the procedures the same thing on both Oracle and SQL? 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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