a trigger question

  • Hi experts,

    I have an asp.net application which will insert date value to my SQL Server 2000 table and when it inserts a null value and the table will put 1/1/1900, which seems like a default value......

    So, I am thinking to have a trigger to fix this problem, but I am not familiar to the T-SQL trigger.

    I need to check if the inserting puts any '1/1/1900' into 6 columns, but any of them is '1/1/1900' can represent other 5 columns.  It seems like

    Update table set date1=null where date1='1/1/1900'

    Update table set date2=null where date2='1/1/1900' ........

    who to put into 1 trigger?

    The following trigger is not correct....


    CREATE TRIGGER DefaultDate2 ON [dbo].[Crew_App_Detail_Table]



    Update Crew_App_Detail_Table set App_WorkFrom1 = null,App_WorkTo1=Null,

    App_WorkFrom2=Null, App_WorkTo2=null,App_WorkFrom3=null, App_WorkTo3=null 

    where App_WorkFrom1 = '01/01/1900' or App_WorkTo1= '01/01/1900' or

    App_WorkFrom2= '01/01/1900' or App_WorkTo2= '01/01/1900' or App_WorkFrom3= '01/01/1900'

    or App_WorkTo3= '01/01/1900'

  • You dont need to use a trigger for this particular situation. You can fix it from the ASP.NET application itself. When you are passing in a value from the front-end and your value is null you can use SQLDatetime.Null to put in a NULL in the datetime column rather than writing a trigger to change the default 1/1/1900 into NULL.
    If you post the front-end code you have where you are passing the value we can help you out on how to fix it.

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

  • I have tried different ways to convert it to null, but when SQL Server sees null value in the smalldatetime field, it seems put a default value 1/1/1900 automatically.

    The way I've tried can't bring me any luck:

    Dim Birthday As Date

    If Session("DOB") Is DBNull.Value Then

    Birthday =


    Else  .......

    'This will insert '1/1/1900'


    Dim Birthday As Object

    If Session("DOB") Is DBNull.Value Then

    Birthday = SqlDateTime.Null

    Else ......

    'this gives an error: value of type 'system.data.sqltypes.sqldatetime' cannot be converted to 'date'

  • SQL Server translates a blank or empty string to 1/1/1900. See what I mean: select convert(datetime, '')

    I've had problems with UI developers that just pass empty text box values to an insert statement. The UI really needs to apply validation and default appropriate for the app.

  • you can do : 

    Birthday = Sqldatetime.Null ' or even dbnull.value might work

    And you would need to import the sqltypes namespace for this.

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

  • It's probably at the insert/update statement that you need to handle null issue. If you check the SQL that ASP app is generating, it's probably converting the variable or object to an empty string.

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