help w/ trimming column

  • I need help updating a table of zip codes... The table currently has zip codes in the 9 digit format however the last 4 numbers are usally zero's (ex. 191280000). I want to update my table so the last 4 digits of the zip code are dropped (make 191280000 into 19128).

    This is an example of what I have so far but dosen't work...

    update table set column = where trim(trailing '0000' from '%0000')


    Meredith, a newbie

  • is the data in a varchar column or an int?

    Update table set column = left(Column, len(Column) - 4) where Right(column, 4) = '0000'

  • varchar...

    I keep getting a missing right parenthesis error for some reason.


  • What statement are you using?

  • I'm using your statment... I'm not sure if I have an extra space some where or what, it looks like all of your parenthesis are closed.

  • Please paste the exact statement you are using. My statement works right away (besides the foridden use of the reserved works table and column). It's most likely a simple typo you just don't see.

  • Why not use UPDATE table SET Column = LEFT(Column, 5) ?

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Because I wasn't assuming that there was only us zip codes .

    It's hard to tell when you don't have all the info...

  • Here's the first version that I tried...

    update mci_geocodable set zipcode_2 = left(zipcode_2,9(zipcode_2) - 4) where right(zipcode_2,4)='0000'

    Question??? what is this sql statement supposed to do???  1) create a new column and and populate it. 2) edits and update the exsisting column and contents. or  3) takes the contents from a source column and edits and populates a exsisting empty column?


  • Remove the part in red

    update dbo.mci_geocodable set zipcode_2 = left(zipcode_2,9(zipcode_2) - 4) where right(zipcode_2,4)='0000'

  • Sometimes you have to look around the error to actually find it .

  • jump updates the existing column...if (as AJ suggests) you have only US zipcodes, you can replace your statement with:

    update dbo.mci_geocodable set zipcode_2 = left(zipcode_2, 5) where right(zipcode_2,4)='0000'

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I apologize for my narrow thinking on this one Remi.  I ASSumed US-ONLY based on the sample.  You are absolutely correct that my sample WOULD NOT wokr in Europe.

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Actually I was reffering to canada... but if you say europe too I'll believe you .

  • So when are you crossing the big K?

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