How to trap errors from nested stored procedures??

  • How should I trap errors from nested stored procedures??


    create procedure usp_T2


    declare @a int, @b-2 char(10), @C int, @err int

     set @a = 123456

     set @b-2 = '123'

     set @C = @a/@b

     set @err = @@error

     if isnull(@c,0) <> 0

      return @C


      return @err


    create procedure usp_T1


    declare @rc int

    execute @rc = usp_T2

    if @rc = 245

     print 'You Idiot, @b-2 must be a numeric value!!'


     print 'The answer is ' + convert(varchar, @rc)


    set nocount on

    exec usp_T1

    Works Fine:

    The answer is 1003

    If I set @b-2 to '123a' this is the result:

    Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure usp_T2, Line 8

    Syntax error converting the varchar value '123a      ' to a column of data type int.

    This is a very simple example, my real life problem is 1105 space errors!

  • Hi Ian,

    You are getting the error message because of these lines -

    set @b-2 = '123a'

    set @C = @a/@b

    You cant set the integer value @b-2 to the string '123a' - it will bomb immediately. @b-2 needs to be declared intitially as a varchar.

    If @b-2 cant be converted to an integer value, @a cant be divided by @b-2 and the proc will bomb. If there is any chance @b-2 may come in as anything other than an Integer (which there shouldn't be) you need to handle this differently e.g.

    IF ISNUMERIC(@b) = 1


          set @C = @a/@b




          set @err = @@ERROR --Use your own value as @@ERROR wont have a value here......


    Also, if you want to output the value of @b-2 in your error message - 'You Idiot, @b-2 must be a numeric value!!' - wont work, it will send what you see not the value of @B.

    NOTE - I am taking it as red you realise cant use a variable declared in sproc1, to output a value in sproc2......

    Use -

    print 'You Idiot, ' + Cast(@b as varchar(10)) + ' must be a numeric value!!' 

    To put the value into the string and make the message meaningful.

    Have fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • OK, Here is my real life problem!.

    The called sp does the following + a lot of other stuff:



    OPEN tnames_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM tnames_cursor INTO @tablename

    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


     SELECT @sqlstring = 'DBCC DBREINDEX(' + @tablename + ', " ", 0, SORTED_DATA_REORG)'

     EXEC (@sqlstring)

     FETCH NEXT FROM tnames_cursor INTO @tablename


    DEALLOCATE tnames_cursor



    What I want to be able to do is trap 1105 errors as we are running pretty close to the wind disk space wise. This sp just terminates reporting the 1105 error. I want to be able to trap this error from my calling sp and handle it a little more elegantly. I should mention the above is in a sp written by the application vendor who do regular updates, so I would prefer to do all error trapping in my calling sp

    Ian Scott

  • OPEN tnames_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM tnames_cursor INTO @tablename

    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


     SELECT @sqlstring = 'DBCC DBREINDEX(' + @tablename + ', " ", 0, SORTED_DATA_REORG)'

     EXEC (@sqlstring)

     FETCH NEXT FROM tnames_cursor INTO @tablename


    CLOSE tnames_cursor     <<<<< MISSING

    DEALLOCATE tnames_cursor




    * Noel

  • Timeout! What I am attempting to explain with examples is:

     "Can I trap ANY error (missing statements, incorrect data types, not testing for Nulls, no more space etc etc) in a sp called from another sp without modifying the called sp??".

    If someone gives me a sp that is 50,000 lines of code, can I call it from another sp and handle any potential errors generated by the called sp in the calling sp?? 

  • The Level 16 errors seem to be the toughest to trap within nested stored procedures because when they occur your procedure immediately exists to the calling procedure or program.  Other errors are more easilly trapped by using output parameters.


    1. Make the Main stored procedure a transaction

    create procedure [dbo].[main]


    a varchar(10),

    saveERR integer  = 0 output




    @ERR integer,

    @tmpERR integer

    begin tran

    EXEC @ERR = spr_CallMe

     @calledA= @a,

    @saveERR = @saveERR output --(not necessary but can be used for other errors ie logic errors)

    /***** FOLLOWING @tmpERR is where you will trap the Level 16 errors from the called procedure.  The @ERR is the return value which you can set from the called procedure */

    set @tmpERR = (select @@error)

     if @tmpERR <> 0 begin set @saveERR = @tmpERR goto ERROR_PROCESS END

     if (@ERR <> 0 or @saveERR <> 0) goto ERROR_PROCESS

    -- other processing or procedure calls...

    --checking for errors to rollback entire transaction


     if (isnull(@saveErr,isnull(@ERR,0)) <> 0)



      print 'rolling back...'

      return isnull(@saveERR,@ERR)





      print 'committing...'

      return 0



    /* here's the called procedure


    create procedure spr_CallMe


    @calledA varchar(10),

    @saveERR integer = 0 output



    --code here or call other sprocs...


     if (isnull(@saveErr,isnull(@ERR,0)) <> 0)


      print 'ERROR...'

      return isnull(@saveERR,@ERR) -- becomes the value @ERR from callng  sproc




      print 'good...'

      return 0 -- becomes the value of @ERR from calling sproc


    /* Hope this helps ... steve*/

  • Ian,

    you omitted the select part from your reindex cursor, but I think it's fair to say that what it does, is to run DBREINDEX on a number of tables, correct?

    Since it's all in a cursor, it's also all within the same batch, or transaction. DBREINDEX can also be taxing on the log, thus demanding that there is sufficient space to play with. And that's what you haven't got.

    If disk is too small to handle the needed logsize, you're never going to get the cursor go all through the way it is - you must change it. It's not that difficult, though. What you need to do is to split the work, so as you  reindex the tables one by one, or a few at a time, and either truncate or backup the log in between. (depends on your recovery model which is best)

    In any case, you must change the 'all tables in one go' to 'one or only a few tables in each go'..



  • I'm not feeling well, and not thinking clearly, so if I'm way off base, just ignore me, ok? 

    I think that what you are asking for is not how to fix the code that you have posted, but rather how to write a procedure "A" so that it will trap and gracefully handle any errors produced by procedure "B" which "A" calls with an EXECUTE statement.  If I'm wrong, I apologize, and this is where you can quit reading!

    The answer to my interpretation of your question is "it depends".  Procedure "B" must be written in such a way to gracefully handle errors and provide the return code that Procedure "A" is looking for.  If Procedure "B" has no error checking, its possibly just gonna bomb, and you'll have no chance to process the error.

    my 1.5 cents

    (take it with a couple tylenol extra strength and call me in ... nevermind)


  • Steve (hoo-t),

    You have answered my question and confirmed my suspisions!!! It is imposible to trap ALL errors in a called procedure from a calling procedure.

    Regards, Ian Scott 

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