How old is my Database?

  • What's a reliable way to tell when a database was created?

    Thank you.

  • In Em, right-click on your database and select properties. Look at Date Created.

    Note that there's probably a t-sql way of doing this....


  • Select CrDate from master.dbo.SysDatabases where name = 'DbName'

  • Thank you. That worked as far as telling me when the database was created on THAT COMPUTER. However, it turned out, that the database was moved there from the old computer. Do you think the creation date for the Original db could still be stored somewhere within the database?


  • Do you have access to the master database from that server? or a backup that could be restored?

    Otherwise I think you're out of luck (unless you have the original mdf file, you could check the creation time of the file in windows explorer).

  • You could check the data. Maybe records carry a creation date. Not precise but at least an idea.

  • Good idea... but make sure it's a column with a default if possible. Just to avoid data that's be reloaded from an even older version of the app.

  • Maybe this will help... look at the create date of the tables, sort by date created. Granted, it won't give you the exact date of when the db was created but unless you drop and recreate all of the tables the oldest table create date should be pretty close to when the db was created.

  • Always another way .

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