following info about all the dbs on the server at one go

  • How can i get all the database size information at one go.I am wondering if any sp or method available to list  these info for all the dbs on the server

    Database Name 

    db Current Size 



    data filegrowth



    logfile growth

  • You will get the maximum information in these 2 tables.

    select * from sysdatabases

    select * from sysaltfiles


  • This is how I'd solve it : (be aware of collation conflicts !)

    print 'Fillocations of DB'

    print '------------------'

    declare @SelStmt as varchar(7000)

    declare @DbNaam as varchar(125)

    declare @UnionStmt as varchar(10)

    select @SelStmt = ''

    select @UnionStmt = ''

    -- select 'select '+ name +' as DBname , * from '+name+'.dbo.sysfiles ' from master.dbo.sysdatabases

    declare CsrDB insensitive cursor for  select name as DBNaam from master.dbo.sysdatabases for read only

    OPEN CsrDB     /*open the cursor*/

    FETCH NEXT FROM CsrDB INTO  @DbNaam /*Get the 1st row*/

    WHILE @@fetch_status=0   /*set into loop until no more data can be found*/


     IF not @@fetch_status = -2


      select @SelStmt = @SelStmt + @UnionStmt + ' Select ''' + ltrim(@DbNaam) +''' as DbNm, * from ' + ltrim(@DbNaam) +'.dbo.sysfiles'

      select @UnionStmt = ' Union All '


     FETCH NEXT FROM CsrDB INTO @DbNaam  /* get the next row*/


    Close CsrDB


    select @SelStmt = @SelStmt + ' Order by DbNm,groupid,fileid'

    exec (@SelStmt )


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  • This link has scripts that can be used to cycle through each database on a server, or each table in a database.

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