How to make HTTP call out of SQLServer 2000?

  • Hi,

    Thru SQLServer's stor. proc., need to submit some data to an URL, get the returned data and do something based on that. How can i do that in SQL 2000 server? Any extended stor. proc.? Thanks in advance for the help.



  • Hey


    Your project sounds interesting unfortunately there isn’t any pre-rolled functionality. I do have one quick question. Have you ever programmed c, c++ or even vb? And have you ever tried experimenting with winsock?


    The easiest way to achieve this via c/c++ is to wrap your own xp pretty straight forward (I will help if you want). But if you don’t understand the code don’t release it!!!


    If a homemade xp isn’t practical them it’s possible to write a COM dll in vb and call it via SQL. First of all write a stateless function to do what ever you need in vb. Then just call the object from SQL.  You well need the vb runtime on the server L


    If you want more information on either option I’m more than happen to go into detail.




  • Hello,

    something similar to this has been asked before somewhere ... One option is to use ServerXML.HTTP from SQL Server ... We do this in an ActiveX task from DTS, but I am sure it is possible to achieve this with sp_OACreate also.

    Good luck!


  • I recently wrote a stored procedure I use to post data to an URL and retrieve the result. The procedure posts data as is done by a html form with action=POST.

    Here is the script :


     This is a procedure, not an udf because of the exec insert at the end

     The exec insert is needed because the response can exceed 8000 characters

     Normally, one should call methods like this :

     exec @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http, 'Open', NULL, 'POST' ,'', 0

     But this does not work with WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 and gives different errors

     So we call methods like this

     exec @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http, 'Open("POST","",0)'

     if a (temp) table with the name #usp_httppost exists, the procedure will

     insert the result into that table.

     if not, the procedure will return a resultset with the results


    create procedure dbo.usp_httppost


     @URL varchar(512),

     @post varchar(4000),

     @WebLogin varchar(128) = null,

     @WebPassword varchar(128) = null,

     @ProxyLogin varchar(128) = null,

     @ProxyPassword varchar(128) = null



    returns @usp_httppost table


      return_status bit null, -- 0 is OK, 1 is error

      error_msg varchar(4096) null,

      HTTP_Status varchar(30) null,

      HTTP_AllResponseHeaders text null,

      HTTP_ResponseText text null






     Name        : usp_httppost

     Server      : SQLserver 2000

     Description : Post data as coming from an HTML FORM with METHOD=POST

                   to an URL and retrieve the result.

     Parameters  : @URL : the url to use ( like )

                   @post : the parameters to post

                   @WebLogin : (optional) The Username for the webserver

                   @WebPassword : (optional) The password for the webserver

                   @ProxyLogin : (optional) The Username for the proxyserver

                   @ProxyPassword : (optional) The password for the proxyserver

     Notes       : . The data to be posted should be like param1=val1&par2=val2

                   . if a table called #usp_httppost exists, the result is stored

                     into that table. If not, the procedure returns a resultset.

     Date        : 2005-01-19

     Author      : Bert De Haes ( )

     History     :


     set nocount on

     declare @http int, -- the objecttoken for WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1

      @rc int, -- the return code from sp_OA procedures

      @src varchar(255), -- the source of an error

      @desc varchar(512), -- the desciption of an error

      @Doing varchar(512), -- What are we doing when calling a sp_OA proc

      @TableExisted bit -- Did the temp table exists yes(1) or no(0)

     -- init

     set @rc = 0

     if object_id('tempdb..#usp_httppost') is null


      -- The temp table #usp_httppost does not exists

      set @TableExisted = 0

      create table #usp_httppost


       return_status bit null, -- 0 is OK, 1 is error

       error_msg varchar(4096) null,

       HTTP_Status varchar(30) null,

       HTTP_AllResponseHeaders text null,

       HTTP_ResponseText text null





      set @TableExisted = 1

      truncate table #usp_httppost



     -- Insert a default record

     insert #usp_httppost ( return_status, error_msg )

     values ( 1 , 'Unknown error' )

     -- create a table to store output from different sp_OA calls

     create table #tempresult


      HTTP_Status varchar(30) null,

      HTTP_AllResponseHeaders text null,

      HTTP_ResponseText text null



     -- create the 'WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1' object

     set @Doing = 'Create WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 object.'

     exec @rc = master.dbo.sp_OACreate 'WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1', @http output

     if @rc <> 0 goto Error

     -- open the url on the server

     set @Doing = 'Open("POST" , "' + @URL + '", 0 )'

     exec @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http, @Doing

     if @rc <> 0 goto Error

     -- set the SetRequestHeader

     set  @Doing = 'SetRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded")'

     exec @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http,@Doing

     if @rc <> 0 goto Error

     if @WebLogin is not null AND @WebPassword is not null


      -- Set the Credentials for the Webserver

      set @Doing = 'SetCredentials("' + @WebLogin + '","' + @WebPassword + '",0)'

      exec @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http, @Doing

      if @rc <> 0 goto Error


     if @ProxyLogin is not null AND @ProxyPassword is not null


      -- Set the Credentials for the Proxy

      set @Doing = 'SetCredentials("' + @ProxyLogin + '","' + @ProxyPassword + '",1)'

      exec @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http, @Doing

      if @rc <> 0 goto Error


     -- send the info

     set  @Doing = 'Send("' + @post + '")'

     exec @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http,@Doing

     if @rc <> 0 goto Error

     -- Get the HTTP_Status

     set @Doing = 'Status'

     truncate table #tempresult

     insert #tempresult (HTTP_Status)

     exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @http,@Doing

     if @rc <> 0 goto Error

     update #usp_httppost

     set HTTP_Status = #tempresult.HTTP_Status

     from #tempresult

     where #tempresult.HTTP_Status is not null

     -- Get the ResponseHeaders

     set @Doing = 'GetAllResponseHeaders'

     truncate table #tempresult

     insert #tempresult (HTTP_AllResponseHeaders)

     exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @http,@Doing

     if @rc <> 0 goto Error

     update #usp_httppost

     set HTTP_AllResponseHeaders = #tempresult.HTTP_AllResponseHeaders

     from #tempresult

     where #tempresult.HTTP_AllResponseHeaders is not null

     -- retrieve the ResponseText


     set @Doing = 'ResponseText'

     truncate table #tempresult

     insert #tempresult (HTTP_ResponseText)

     exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @http,@Doing

     if @rc <> 0 goto Error

     update #usp_httppost

     set HTTP_ResponseText = #tempresult.HTTP_ResponseText

     from #tempresult

     where #tempresult.HTTP_ResponseText is not null

     -- Everything went well

     update #usp_httppost

     set return_status = 0,error_msg = 'DONE'

     -- if we get here the normal way, don't do error

     GOTO Cleanup


     -- Get error information

     if @http is not null


      exec sp_OAGetErrorInfo @http, @src OUT, @desc OUT




      set @src = '?'

      set @desc = '?'


     update #usp_httppost

     set return_status = 1,

      error_msg =

       'Error ['  + ISNULL( master.dbo.fn_hexadecimal(@rc) ,'' ) +

       '], While ['  + ISNULL( @Doing    , '' ) +

       '], Source ['  + ISNULL( @src      , '' ) +

       '], Description [' + ISNULL( @desc     , '' ) + ']'

     -- Destroy created object(s)



     if @http is not null


      exec @rc = master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @http

      set @http = null

      if @rc <> 0 goto Error


     -- Give the result back to the caller


     if @TableExisted = 0

      select * from #usp_httppost

     return 0



  • Dear All,

    Thanks for the help. I will go thru the suggested procedures and will get back to you all if there is any hiccup.

    Thanks and regards,



  • That was an awesome stored procedure Journeyman!

    Worked well here! Thanks!

  • Thanks ... just found a little problem. The parameter @Doing is declared as @Doing varchar(512). It should be @Doing varchar(4000), as it is used to contain the posted data ...



  • I did use the SP to do following:

    exec dbo.usp_httppost '','q=nokia&btnG=Search+Froogle'

    and got no results. But the original URL resturns data. The original URL is:

    Here is what I got:


    0,DONE,200,Set-Cookie: PREF=ID=1b28c916df48a269:TM=1153416500:LM=1153416500:S=LXwmzermeNkwWDpt; expires=Sun, 17-Jan-2038 19:14:07 GMT; path=/;

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

    Server: cffe

    Cache-Control: private, x-gzip-ok=""

    Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 17:28:20 GMT


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  • This is an old post but I'll give this a try.

    I have used the stored procedure provided (thank you very much), but I am having trouble with the authorization.  I am not using the SetCredentials, but rather passing in SetRequestHeader for authorization.  Here is my code:

     set  @Doing = 'SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic kd7Guer...")'

     exec @rc    = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @http,@Doing

     if @rc <> 0 goto Error

    I have placed it above the Content-Type.  The ResponseText is a page stating: This request requires HTTP authentication ().

    I know I have the correct code within the "Basic" string.  Could anyone provide some help on this one?



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