A Question about Triggers from a Newbie

  • Hello all, my names Jonah. I've just started getting into SQL 7 and have been presented with many problems.

    My first problem is this.

    I want a trigger to fire when there has been an update to a certain column within a table. If there has been an alteration within this Column it will automatically send an email to the relevant people.

    I have set up a DTS to Import data from an AS400. When this data is imported it obviously goes within my named database. The DTS is scheduled to run every morning so I hope for the emails to come flowing through as soon as the DTS finishes executing the package.

    My problem is creating the trigger. I am very new to SQL Server and have looked in a few books but still can't work out how to do it.

    The furthest I got was this:

    1) DTS Imports from an Access query

    2) It then puts this query within a table in SQL Server.

    3) The columns in the table are:


    The trigger will fire when there has been a change in the date to a particular PartID from the previous DTS Import. Well, thats what I want to happen. Is this possible within SQL Server?


  • This is possible.  However, instead of a trigger sending e-mail why not have the trigger send information to a send-email table and the last step in the package will be to send e-mail.  This way the process will run smoother, faster, should have minimal locks, etc...

    You should be able to research CREATE TRIGGER in BOL


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • Good Thinkin.

    I have been asking a few other people and they have come up with this code.

    CREATE TRIGGER NewPartIDUpdate ON PartIDUpdateNT



    DECLARE @PartID int, @msg varchar(100)



    SELECT @PartID = 0

    WHILE @PartID < (Select max(PartID) FROM Inserted


    SELECT @PartID = MIN(PartID) FROM Inserted WHERE PartID > @PartID

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Inserted i, Deleted d WHERE i.PartID = d.PartID AND

    i.PartID = @PartID AND i.GGOPDT <> d.GGOPDT)


    SELECT @msg = 'Part' + convert(varchar(20),@PartID) + 'Changed'

    EXEC Master..xp_sendmail @recipients = 'me@meltd.com','someoneelse@meltd.com',  @subject = 'Part

    date change', @meggase = @msg




    PS: GGOPDT is the date field within the AS400

    The only thing is i get the following error message:

    Error 156: Incorrect syntax near the word 'BEGIN'

    Must pass parameter number 2 and subsequent parameters as '@name = value'. After the form '@name = value' has been used, all subsequent parameters must be passed in the form of '@name = value'.

    Any suggestions?


  • I'm not sure if your logic is correct, but I do see a couple of syntax errors, you are missing a ')' after the word 'INSERTED' in your first while loop. You have also misspelled @message.  

    I also agree with AJ about saving the emails in a table and sending them out later.  Let's say that there are 100 changes, 100 emails are going to be sent. That could be pretty annoying.   

    I don't have tons of experience with triggers, but I think you should make this as efficient as possible. 

    Hope this helps,



    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

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