error 1067-sql server agent

  • While starting sql server agent service on my server it is giving following error:

    error 1067 :the process terminated unexpectedly

    I have restarted the server by making the service autostart.

    Then i tried to change the user and gave the user "log on as a service" right and restarted the server but it didn't worked.

    Thanks & Regards,


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  • The 1067 error is a general error meaning that a service has failed to start.   I would check your event log to see if there is further information there, and also in the SQL log.  Also, try starting the SQL Agent service from the command prompt with the -v switch to display the output to the diag screen.


    DBA with an attitude

  • Thanks for the help.

    I tried starting service through command prompt with follwing command.

    net start SQLServerAgent -v

    The output displayed was the same error.


    The SQLSERVERAGENT service is starting.

    The SQLSERVERAGENT service could not be started.

    A system error has occurred.

    System error 1067 has occurred.

    The process terminated unexpectedly.


    I have checked eventlog it shows -

    The SQLSERVERAGENT service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 11 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 0 milliseconds: No action.

    And sqlerror log has logged nothing.

    pls help further



  • I also experienced had a similar error while running SQL2005 SP2. We did receive an error 1067 when manually restarting it via the services snapin.

    Turns out Microsoft dot net framework 2.0 was corrupted. This was only determined while trying to repair the SQL install and received a prompt regarding dot net 2.0. So we cancelled the SQL repair and instead repaired the .Net 2.0 installation. Rebooted and SQL agent started automatically. Hope this helps.



  • Error 1067 is a general error. Check your SQL logs and event logs and see what you find.

    This error may indicate an error in registry also.

  • John Cullinane (2/20/2008)

    I also experienced had a similar error while running SQL2005 SP2. We did receive an error 1067 when manually restarting it via the services snapin.

    Turns out Microsoft dot net framework 2.0 was corrupted. This was only determined while trying to repair the SQL install and received a prompt regarding dot net 2.0. So we cancelled the SQL repair and instead repaired the .Net 2.0 installation. Rebooted and SQL agent started automatically. Hope this helps.



    Similar scenario: SQL2005SP2 .NET1 , .NET2, .NET3 instaled.

    As in the case above it was dot NET2 that broke. I have executed repair from [Add or Remove Programs] and after a restart all was OK!

    Thanks a lot! 🙂

  • Thank you so much.

    It's great topic!!!!:-D

  • Im my case repaired .NET 3.5 worked without restart. Thanks you!!

  • For those of you who have arrived here after attempting to install from a mounted .iso image, try this:

    - Uninstall any features that failed during installation or whose related service couldn't start

    - Use WinRAR to extract the .iso to a local folder. WinZip doesn't always unpack .iso images reliably.

    - Run the installer from the local folder instead of the .iso

    I had the same problem trying to install SQL 2008 R2 on a Windows 7 Ultimate VM, and these steps worked for me. I use separate local accounts for each service.



  • Windows 7 Pro here with SQL 2008 R2

    Repair of .NET 4.5.1 (4.5.50938) fixed this.

    It'll ask for a restart, but I skipped it and the service now starts up.

    Awesome work

  • May be this is late response but still I would like to post because this may help to avoid spent more time on this issue, I had same issue and I simply change the service account name to different service account instead of local, issue has been resolved and my SQL Agent service came to online.


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