getdate() function SQL SVR 7

  • How do get this function to show only the date and leave off the time? Or is there another function I should be using?

    Thanks webdaddy13

  • hi,

    a quick and dirty way is to convert to a char field :-

    select convert(char(11),getdate())



  • I appreciate the conversion statement but I really need to know how to autoatically populate that field date_entered without supplying the date from client side or server side programming

  • i think you need to have a time with all datetime fields. the only thing i can think of is to set the time to the same for each row :-

    create table pgr_date_test

    (col1 datetime)

    insert into pgr_date_test

    select convert(char(11),getdate())

    select * from pgr_date_test

    returns :-

    09/10/2003 00:00:00

    you then just need to ignore the time


  • quote:

    I appreciate the conversion statement but I really need to know how to autoatically populate that field date_entered without supplying the date from client side or server side programming

    Use Paul's suggection to create a default for the column:

    ALTER TABLE MyTable ADD CONSTRAINT df_Date_Entered DEFAULT CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) FOR Date_Entered



  • thank you guys this forum has really helped me...I will try it out you guys a great

    I hope some day soon I can help you guys


  • If look up CONVERT in SQL Books Online then you will see there are a whole load of different formats you can convert the datetime value into. It is very useful!

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