Reporting services

  • I have two internal customers that wish to run ad-hos queries on the DB. RS looks to me to be total overkill - Would it be suitable to do this?

  • I depends how much you need to give them. We set up a report from a view with all there data tied together. Then made each field a parm they pick to filter or not filter each field. This was so much that they were not sure they could get anything usefull out of it but they started seeing patterns in there data thet could not see in there cobal program. We have now turned it over to three other depts. They pick a few field and use the export option to excel for mailing labels. Something we had provided to them in the past. This is an idea. Just be creative.

  • Cheers Scott. I think we'll go with views + DTS. Looks good in testing.

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