Change Collation for user database

  • Hi Folks,

    Is there another way to change the default collation for a user database without using the SQL cmd:

    ALTER DATABASE myDatase COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS ??

    With the ALTER DATABASE it is not possible to change the database collation whenever there are Check Constraint which are depending on the database collation.

    A go lead for me would also be if someone can tell in which master table the user default collation is recorded is recorded??

    Cheers Jack.

  • Can you be a bit more specific with your problem i.e. define the kind of constraint and the table structure. Typically the Collation is not changed in such problems but at the level of a column and table but may be your problem is specific which requires collation change at database level.

  • Look at Mike Pearson's article "Changing Rogue Database Collations" posted to this forum in 05/26/2003

  • You need export data and import them into database with correct collation.

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