sql server 2000 memory

  • I recently converted from SQL 7.0 to SQL 2000 standard edition.  We have 2 GB memory.  I have set it up to dynamic memory in configuration.  But I see sqlserver.exe is taking up 1.5 or 1.52 GB and available memory is 122 or 123 MB.  Disk busy time is like 30%, page fault/sec I see sometimes up to 7.49.  Target sql memory is more than total sql memory.  I have seen in sql 7.0 that sqlserver.exe takes up about 1.8 or 1.82 GB.  Looking at all this data I feel that there is inadequate memory.  How much memory is taken up by sql 2000 standard edition? 

    Thank you in advance for your help.


  • It is dynamic of course and can vary. You might first try making sure you reindex tables and update states and useage to ensure they are optimized and clean for 2000. Then using Task Manager on the toolbar choose View->Select Columns and make sure "Memory Usage" and "Virtual Memory Size" are selected, then press OK and add the amount of Mem Usage and VM Size to get a total memory used by SQL Server

  • SQL2k std can address up to 2Gb ram. When the server only has 2Gb ram you might want to set the max and min memory sizes to avoid starving the o/s.

    actual memory used will vary ( unless you fix it ) Danger signs are paging which may well indicate memory problems although to use more memory for sql you'll have to move to enterprise edition.

    You can check values in sysperfinfo for how sql server is using memory.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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