Select from system object from the msdb database

  •  Hello,

    I'm a newbie. One of our developers needs to "Select from system objects in the msdb database". Would this be secure or should I not give him access?

    Thanks in advance for your help,


  • ask him what he needs it for.

    it's more than likely he'll be checking for the existence of a stored procedure or table. either give him read only access (once you've decided) or look up the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views and point him in that direction



  • The developer is a trusted source. He needs to create/schedule

    jobs. If I gave him read only would that be secure enough?





  • i don't know what do you think ?

    you could limit him futher to just the sysjobs(*) tables ...



  • Thanks, If I just give him Select rights to sysjobs and sysjobsschedules tables that is still secure right?


  • Whether it's secure or not is entirely your decision. You're the DBA. Select permission will stop him from screwing anything up but will more than likely show him things he doesn't need to see.



  • Thanks for the help dbgeezer. I just gave him select to sysjobs and sysjobsschedules.


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