Multiple jobs running on one server

  • At the PASS conference I saw an application designed to help you find jobs running at the same time and reschedule them.  I have also seen articles and posts that seem to imply that only one agent job should be running at the same time. 

    In my environment this is very far from the truth, we have lots of jobs running, especially in the morning when the main data extracts become available.  Needless to say the servers are very slow responding to queries and the job steps take a lot longer to run than they should.

    My question is, should SQL agent be running more than one job at a time?

  • I run many jobs simultaneously in SQL server. Replication, Backup, parser  and etc. SQL server should be able to handle multi-tasking jobs. Of course, Higher hardware configuration for better speed.

  • We run multiple jobs at a time.. normally without incident.  One thing to watch for is if you have more than one job that accesses the same table then there could be locking issues.   We've had incidents where jobs froze because they were both trying to work with the same data simultaneously.  Try to make sure those jobs that access the same object don't run at the same time.  Or if you're not concerned about dirty reads you could use WITH (NOLOCK) to minimize the effect of potential locking.

  • The real problem that I am seeing is the the server runs at 100 percent CPU utilization for hours.  Causing timeouts etc.



  • I encounter the some problem before. what I did was redured the memory size used from SQL server. Example if i have 4GB memory on the server. lets set 4GB to 3 GB for maximum memory SQL server memory. release some memory to other application running on the same server and OS.

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