Replay Profiler Trace Truncates Procedures

  • Hi all, Captured a trace from our production machine and I am attempting to replay it on a production copy of our database. Everything works fine except any stored procedures that are longer than 48 characters are being truncated when re-run. This leads to the 'Cannot Find Stored procedure' error. Does anyone know how to get procs that are longer than 48 char to run in a trace replay.


  • I do not know if this is relevant, but you never know. I got the same error the first time using an sql script created by the profiler. It worked fine using the profiler trace itself. I never tried an sql script again for replays.


  • Turns out it wasn't being truncated, it was pointing to the wrong database id due to quoted identifiers being set off, set them on and all is good. Thanks

  • I met the same problem 'Can not find dtored procedure...', this problem occurs when only 'EXEC [stored procedure]' , but SQL can find the stored procedure when execute the following SQL block,

    declare @P1 int

    set @P1=NULL

    exec dbo.spDealerProgramProfileGet @DealerID = 0, @ProgramProfileID = @P1 output

    select @P1

    I don't know why, anybody can help me?

  • I found the problem, because I didn't set the right default database for that user. my default database is master. But I have three databases to manupilate , How can I deal with it, or no way to handle?

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