Loss of Communication!?!

  • This is a situation a member of my team is having, I'm sure I could furnish more detials if you need.

    When creating a DTS to process a cube, I don't see any cubes to select under my data source. The cubes have the proper role (everyone) assigned. The cubes and fact tables associated with each cube are on different servers. At one time, I was able to do this and I am not sure what has changed in my environment. The cubes process fine manually but I can't see them to get my DTS to process them. Any insight greatly appreciated!

  • Hi,

    Is the Analysis Services server registered within Analysis Manager on the PC that is being used to create the DTS package? The list of Analysis Services servers in the 'select the object to process' dialog of the Analysis Services Processing Task in DTS seems to be built from this list.

    Hope this helps,

    There is

  • A couple of quick troublshoting questions: are you able to see the AS server but not the cubes? (If you can see the server but not the cubes I would tend to think security might be an issue) Have you applied a service pack recently? (I've seen some odd behaviors around service pack differences - IE: SP2 on one server, SP1 on another)

    Scot J Reagin


    Scot J Reagin

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