Table Type from a UDF and joining

  • OK - I'll try to explain...

    I have a "piece of code" which will most likely by reused many times and it has to do with "Billable vs. Non-Billable" Holdings.

    There are several factors which can make an account B or N - so - I'd like to reuse code whenever possible. What I've done is create a UDF that implements the "exclusion" code and returns a TABLE data type list of accounts who meet the criteria. I was then going to join to this "Table" and use it whenever I needed it.

    Next scene - I've created the UDF and am returning a table - I can join to the table(function) in my other Stored Procedures.

    Good huh ????

    NO - Why? - It's SUPER SLOW !!!!!

    So slow in fact that it's worthless and I need to find another solution.

    Here a shell of the UDF:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetBillableHoldings ()

    RETURNS table










    cdAccount AC

    JOIN cdiHolding H

    ON AC.id_Account = H.ID_Account


    AC.ID_VehicleType != 'SD'

    AND AC.OverrideBillingYes = 'N'


    This UDF returns only "Billable" holdings

    Now - here's a piece of the SLOW!!! SP:





    cdAccount AC

    JOIN dbo.GetBillableHoldings(@g_BillingDate) H

    ON AC.id_Account = H.ID_Account

    The join works fine - all appears fine - but it goes from overall time of ~3 seconds for 800 rows to ~3 seconds per row !!!!!!

    Any suggestions ???

    Thanks all in advance - B

  • I think the problem is that data in table variables is always the subject of a Table Scan in the query parser - is it not possible to convert your function into a view which could even be indexed?

  • Your function in the example is not restricting on the billingdate is this an issue.

    I thought in line functions get optimised in a similiar fashion to views, but I would agree a view would be better, maybe even an indexed views. (Not really looked into them)

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

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