Concatenating column values?

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to concatenate the values of a column over mulitple records into the column of a single record.


    tbl1 (col areas)





    tbl2 (col zoo)

    1. monkey tiger lion shark

    Any suggestions?

  • select a.cola + b.cola + c.cola

    from tableA a

    inner join tableA b

    on a.something = b.something


    Steve Jones

  • Also keep in mind that if any one of the columns is null then the concatenated value will be null. If this will be possible and you want to avoid use ISNULL to handle.


    ISNULL(col1,'') + ISNULL(col2,'') + ISNULL(col3,'')

    So if col2 is null then you get col1col3 and not NULL.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • quote:

    ISNULL(col1,'') + ISNULL(col2,'') + ISNULL(col3,'')

    So if col2 is null then you get col1col3 and not NULL.

    Also, if you want to return NULL if none of the values present in all three columns use the NULLIF function:

    NULLIF(ISNULL(col1,'') + ISNULL(col2,'') + ISNULL(col3,''),'')

  • Hi,

    I have similar problem in concentrating my column.

    I have  the following query

    select comp_nm from xxx

    where comp_nm_id = 10000

    The result will be

    comp_nmid, comp_nm


    1000, how




    If I want to concatenate it into a single string like ' how are you'

    How can I do it.


    Thank you







  • This is a very "old" problem and there must be a thousand or so posts on how to do this on this forum alone (search does work)... but, here it is, one more time...

    DECLARE @Result VARCHAR(8000)

     SELECT @Result = ISNULL(@Result+' ','') + comp_nm

       FROM yourtable

      WHERE comp_nm_id = 10000

     SELECT @Result

    Also, be advised that this is a pretty bad thing to do in a database in 99.9999% of all cases ...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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