Export SQL Server data to an Excel file

  • I need to export some tables data to an excel file. Please let me know steps. Thanks!

  • The easiest way to do this is right-click the database name in Management Studio, pick Tasks then Export Data. But that's only good if you just want to do it one time. If you'll need to do it more regularly, you might want to take a look at SSIS, which is more complicated to set up, but much more efficient at automating this kind of task.

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    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • The nice thing about doing the export using the SQL Server Export Wizard is that you can save the export as an SSIS package (it is one of your options at the end of the wizard). So...if you are unfamiliar with creating an SSIS package which results in data being written to an Excel file, the wizard will write it for you and you can then look at how the wizard created the file to familiarize yourself with SSIS.

  • andresito (3/17/2010)

    The nice thing about doing the export using the SQL Server Export Wizard is that you can save the export as an SSIS package (it is one of your options at the end of the wizard). So...if you are unfamiliar with creating an SSIS package which results in data being written to an Excel file, the wizard will write it for you and you can then look at how the wizard created the file to familiarize yourself with SSIS.

    I tried to export the data using import/export, thrown below error

    saving to sql - description not found

  • What step were you able to get to in the wizard?

  • andresito (3/17/2010)

    What step were you able to get to in the wizard?

    step: SAVING

    error: no description found

    I did below steps

    right click on database and tasks--> export

    source sqlser

    destination excel FILE

    selected few table

    save as SSIS package

  • Let us know What is the SQL Server Version you are using and in the final wizard before saving, are u saving the package in Sql server or file system. enter the description in the final step and verify once again.

  • still throwing the same error, I am using SQL Server 2005 dev edition 9.0.4273

  • Can add the screen shot of your final step Saving. Are you saving the package to FileSystem or to SQL Server

  • I am trying to save package to sql server. Please find the error as an attachment

  • Attach your jpg file ... scroll to bottom of this window, in the "Post Options" frame. click on the button labeled "Edit Attachments" browse to whatever drive on your local machine that has the file. Once located then click on the button labeled "Upload".

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • I have uploaded the screenshots...Thanks

  • Following GSquared's advice, and by some good fortune a major article in today's SSC (3/19/2010) Read this article and see if it helps.


    Not let me repeat not, being a SSIS expert my meager recommendation is about all I can do to lend you some assistance.

    If the article does NOT help repost attempting to most specific about the problem(s) you may have happening.

    If the article does help post back so others may learn.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • laddu4700 (3/18/2010)

    I have uploaded the screenshots...Thanks

    Looks like the package is executing successfully, except for saving the SSIS, which is what you want, so you can look at how it packages the Excel file creation that you are trying to do. The only change I would make to what you are doing is to select "File System" instead of "SQL Server" (I'm referring to SSIS_Package_Screenshot.JPG). This will prompt you to save the package locally (on your own machine). After you have done this, open Visual Studio (or BIDS, whatever you have), create or open an Integration Services Project. In Solution Explorer, right-click on SSIS Packages, select "Add Existing Package", select File System, and browse to the package you just saved. Open the file and take a look at the Data Flow. Hopefully, that answers your question.

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