Enabling AWE option

  • There are two instances per machine (total 2). And also during failover, all of the instances (totally 4) move onto one machine.

    There is 64 GB of physical RAM available. But AWE is not enabled on any of the instances.

    Could you kindly advise if AWE can be enabled on the instances and

    If so what should be the min and max memory that needs to be allocated.

    This is a 32 Bit OS and SQL


  • Moin,

    Please specify your OS and SQL version/Edition.

    Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition supports physical memory up to 4 GB.

    Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition supports physical memory up to 32 GB.

    Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition supports physical memory up to 64 GB.


  • Thanks Manu,

    OS version is Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition


    SQL Server is

    Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)


  • 32-bit or 64-bit?

    The Redneck DBA

  • it is 32 bit both os and sql


  • It looks only 32GB would be addressable by OS in such case. Better configure each instance max server memory in such a way that when all instances failover to one node their combined mm. usage is below 28GB leaving 4GB aside for OS.


    Experts plz comment..


  • Hi:

    It may also be worth investigating if you A) have 64 GB presented to the OS and a different OS version or B) have 32 GB presented, the OS mentioned and the remaining 32 GB unutilized. Maybe you can use it elsewhere?

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