Comparision between SQL 2005 STD and SQL 2005 Enterprise

  • Hi,

    We have a POS application that runs on multiple branch servers with a central HO server. The branch servers and HO Server use merge replication to sychronise. The HO Server then talks to the Financials Server using a program. We currently have SQL 2000 STD Edition on all of these servers and are facing severe performance issues.

    As a result, we have decided to move to SQL 2005 since this allows for more RAM to be used. However we have to decide on whether to move to SQL 2005 Standard or Enterprise.

    I have seen the microsoft site comparing the two versions. However, I am not a fully technical person and any advice or explanations about the different features would be very welcome and helpful


  • You need to identify what is causing your current performance problems, in order to determine the hardware required to remove any bottlenecks in your system. Once you have that information you can determine whether Standard Edition meets your needs. If so then the only reason to buy Enterprise edition is if the additional functionality is worth the higher cost.

    Ultimately if the performance problems are due to poor code then they will still exist in 2005 - some may be mitigated to a degree, while some problems may grow worse. You should also understand how the changes in 2005 pertain to your application, for example if you use triggers excessively then you will see more tempdb usage.

  • More RAM is often welcome by SQL but in SQL 2005 there is no difference between the RAM supported by standard edition and enterprise edition. Both are limited only by the operating system. See The number of CPUs supported by standard edition is limited to 4 where enterprise is not limited.


  • the 2 biggest differences between std and ent are online index rebuilding and partitioning. Also AFAIK page level restores are only available in sql2005 ent


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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