Converting string from csv file to an integer

  • I'm new to ssis. I have a csv file which has a column holding a string value as "2009" which I need to convert to an int to be inserted into a n int field in a datatable. I've tried the Data Conversion task but it didn't work. Any help is deeply appreciated.

  • use a derived column and create a new column using the formula such as (DT_I4) TRIM( FieldNameOfStringData )

  • I tried but I'm getting the following error:

    [Derived Column [394]] Error: An error occurred while attempting to perform a type cast.

    I added a conditional split with the following in as the condition to try to get around the above error

    ISNULL([Column 0]) || ISNULL([Column 1]) || LEN([Column 0]) > 10 || LEN([Column 1]) > 500

    to send bad records to records to another file but I still get the error

  • maybe there is a null or empty string

    try this in the derived column

    ISNULL( TextField ) || TextField == "" ? NULL(DT_I4) : (DT_I4) TextField

  • the winking emoticon is supposed to be a right parenthesis - stupid things...

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