Drop Role can't be done b/c it owns a Schema

  • Any way to drop a role from owning a schema? I am using the graphical Role screen and I can not uncheck the schema's that a role owns. This role is obesolete so I want to get rid of it.

    I also can not see any graphical way to see what permissions a role has. I used the GRANT SELECT TO Reader to allow my Reader role have read-only access but I'm unsure how I can see if someone else granted DELETE to the reader as well - anyway to see this?

  • To change the schema owner, execute the following query, making the appropriate substitution for **Schema Name** and **New Owner**:

    ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA :: **Schema Name** TO **New Owner**

    Once you've changed the owner, if the role owns no other schema, you should be able to drop it.

    To see the permissions graphically, in SQL Server Management Studio, in the Object Explorer pane expand your database, expand the Tables folder, and right-click on the table and choose Properties from the pop-up menu. In the new dialog window, click on the Permissions page under Select a page. That will show explicit permissions against a particular table.

    K. Brian Kelley

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