Trying to load new records using the identity field from Master and pass to child

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to figure this out.  I have a master-child relationship I do an initial load extract the identity field and then reload to the child.  This works find if I'm loading the data initially however I squash the first id in the child if I load a new relationship.

    I load the master record without any issues, however when I start loading other values with different budgetid I'm always getting the most recent id.

    Thanks in advance


    Master Table   Child Table   
    BudgetIDDescription  PrimaryIDBudgetIDValue 
    1Some data  112 
    2Some more data This loads OK 214 
        325Expected results
        122What I'm getting


       INSERT INTO transactional_gldepartment_budgetlist(gldepartment,gldepartmentname,budgetyear,entrydate)


       SELECT @BudgetID = @@IDENTITY



        INSERT INTO transactional_deptbudget(budgetaccount,budgetaccountname)

        SELECT DISTINCT budgetaccountnumber,budgetdescription FROM lookup_budgetaccounts WHERE budgetaccountnumber != 0


        UPDATE transactional_deptbudget SET dbudgetid = @BudgetID WHERE ((dbudgetid != @BudgetID)OR (dbudgetid IS NULL))



  • Try this:


     INSERT INTO transactional_gldepartment_budgetlist(gldepartment,gldepartmentname,budgetyear,entrydate)


     SELECT @err = @@error

     IF @err <> 0








      INSERT INTO transactional_deptbudget(dbudgetid,budgetaccount,budgetaccountname)

      SELECT DISTINCT @BudgetID,budgetaccountnumber,budgetdescription FROM lookup_budgetaccounts

       WHERE budgetaccountnumber != 0




    I use SCOPE_IDENTITY( ) cos if there are any triggers for the underlying tables and if the trigger generates Identity values it will pick up the identity generated by the SQL Insert instead of triggers.

    Hope this helps



  • Thanks Sreejith works like a charm!!

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