MSX - Multiserver Jobs from Master to Target

  • I inherited a db infrastrature that is base on the Multiserver (MSX) feature in SQL Server. All the jobs are configured at the master server. This really causes a lot of inconvience for me in modifying jobs on the fly at the target server. Now i want to defect the target servers from the master but i want to retain the jobs on the target server. I tested this but when i defect a target server from the master server, all the jobs disappare from the target server. I tried even scripting the job from the master server to create the job at the target (after defecting the target server) but it still creates a multiserver job on the target. My question is, can I defect a target server from the master and retain the jobs at the target rather than the master? Help, thanks.

  • The purpose of having the MSX/TSX server setup is to avoid the "on-the-fly" changes that can introduce errors becuase they're not fully tested. It also provides a single view for checking scheduled job status across multiple servers.

    That said, when you generate the script there is an option to include Target Servers. Just un-tick that option and you'll get a script without the target server information.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • We no longer need the MSX/TSX setup on our db systems that is why i am removing the MSX/TSX setup. What specific script are u refering to? Job Script generated from the MSX or the target? Can you give more details on which option i need to uncheck and where i need to uncheck the option? thanks

  • "We no longer need the MSX/TSX setup on our db systems..."

    I suppose that's your call to make, but having a MSX/TSX setup makes for much easier administration and maintenance, even if you've only got a few servers to look after. Beats connecting to each one to view job status, or to start a job.

    "...I tried even scripting the job from the master server to create the job at the target (after defecting the target server) but it still creates a multiserver job on the target..."

    When you create this script you get a dialog wher you can put in a filename and select the file format. Doing this from the MSX server also gives you an option to include Target Server information.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks. From you post i can see that you perfer to use the MSX feature. The reason why i am removing this type of db managment is we need each machine to be independent. there will be on dba responsible for each so i don't want on central machine to control all the jobs. so on that MSX machine, there is not fail-safe so if it goes down, the whole setup goes down. Thanks again.

  • Multiple DBA's supporting multiple SQL Servers ... hmmm ... MSX is still your best bet. Each DBA can script their own JOBs and just select the 'target' servers. System maintenance JOBs could still be centralized. Server health and well being scripts could still be centralized. As for your scripting issue it's a column to update on a table in the msdb database. So you could update the column, script the JOBs then 'defect'. Below is a link to a MS System table map you may find handy:


    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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