Create database error

  • HI there,

    I'm creating some databases and i get the error below, can someone help please i'm short of ideas right now. thanks

    Error 1803 : CREATE DATABASE failed. Could not allocate enough disk space for a new database on the named disks. Total space allocated must be at least 12MB to accommodate a copy of the model database.

  • How much free space do you have on the drive?

  • checking from explorer i've got at least 23GB of space left

  • If you are using a command to create the database, please post this.  If using EM are you sure that the location specified on the Transaction log tab and the Data File tab has plenty of room.  That is, the initial size is less that the amount of free space and the database maximum size is less that the amount of free space left or is set to unrestricted.

    It certainly sounds odd.


  • one thing i've noticed is tempdb to be 5120MB and i'm unable to do anything about this because i thought if you restart sql it should clear tempdb.

  • what size is the model database, if its set to a large size all new bases will be this size on creation. I believe the temdb is also re-craeted using the models size.

  • model is 12MB

  • Are you not specifically indicating what size the new DB will be?  What does your CREATE Database statement look like?


  • the create statement specifies that the initial size = 2

  • how can i alter the size of tempdb which currently is 5GB because i thought stoppping and restarting sql server should do this.

  • for example to shrink tempdev to 7 M use:

    dbcc shrinkfile (tempdev, 7)


  • i managed to shrink tempdb but i'm still having the same error when i run the create database

  • If you still need help, please post your entire create statement.  Also run EXEC master..xp_fixeddrives and post the results.


  • i managed to solve the problem by increasing the initial sizes of the databases to match the size of Model which was altered by someone else without letting me know, so i got the error whenever i tried to create the databases with an initial size that was smaller than Model...thanks guys

  • This behavior sounds like a'bug' to me. model databse size is used when no size is specified. I'll have to try this one out on my servers and see what happens ...

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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