Math Problem

  • I'm trying to figure this out and my mind is going blank.

    I need a formula which tells me the number of

    flex days used.

    For example:

    Gross Days = 10

    Holidays = 5

    Weekend Days = 4

    Flex Days = 3

    Gross Days - Holidays - Weekend Days - Flex Days.

    I always subtract holidays then weekend days befire I use flex days. In the above example, I would have used 1 flex day. How can I make a formula?

  • I may be missing something obvious here, but don't you just mean the following?

    flex days = gross days - holidays - weekend days

    In your example, this yields an answer of 1 as required:

    flex days = 10 - 5 - 4 = 1


  • What if gross days are 2 or gross days are 50?

  • If gross days are 2, then I don't understand how holidays could be 5, so maybe you could define your terms a little more in your next post.  If gross days are 50, and you are trying to calculate the number of flex days used (is that what you're trying to do?), then it's might be something like:

    flex days used = min (gross days - holidays - weekend days, flex days available)

    A number of questions pop into my mind.  When you say that "Gross Days = 10" and "Holidays = 5" do you mean that there are 5 holidays that occur during a particular 10-day calendar period?  When you say "Flex Days = 3" does that mean that 3 flex days are available to be used, whenever necessary?  And (as I've already asked, above), are you trying to calculate the number of flex days used over a particular calendar period?  That kind of information would help me understand your problem better.



  • Thanks Chris -

    Sorry, it's always a little difficult to explain these properly.

    In your post above, where you start "A number of questions"....Everything after that is correct in your assumptions. I'll give your formula above a shot. It seems so straightforward however for some reason it's just not coming to me. Thanks!

  • OK, but be sure to post an update if you get cornered.  I do wonder (now that I'm home and a little more reflective about things) ... where are the number of days actually worked?  Isn't that a pretty important thing to know?    Because I would expect a relationship to hold where:

    C = E + W + H + V + S


    C = Calendar Days

    E = Days Worked ("E" for "Effort")

    W = Weekend Days

    H = Holidays

    V = Vacation Days

    S = Sick Days

    Sorry for the abbreviations, but I'm on a thin screen right now (as distinct from "thin panel" - I just mean I don't have much horizontal real estate). 

    Even if flex days include sick days for your company, you've got to know the actual days worked (the "E" above) to solve for any of the others, don't you?  Just a thought.



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