updating facttables to insert dimension keys .....

  • i am facing a problem while updating a fact table..

    i have created my table with the follwing SQL Task

    CREATE TABLE [companyfact_staging] (

    [BASE_PERIOD_SHARES] numeric (12,0) NULL DEFAULT(0),

    [AVERAGE_TURNOVER] numeric (12,0) NULL DEFAULT(0),



    [INDEX_DATE] datetime NOT NULL,

    [COMPANY_KEY] varchar (30) NULL DEFAULT ('MISSING'),


    [TIME_KEY] datetime null DEFAULT ('01-jul-02') )

    i have placed default missing in the column but when i company_code which i want to insert from a dimension company..

    but when i run the follwing update statement ..in execute SQL task

    update companyfact_staging

    set company_key =T.company_code

    from companyfact_staging F INNER JOIN company_staging T on


    WHERE F.company_key='MISSING' Go

    i get no error when i run this code it says succesfully executed but the values in the column company_code still remain missing..they are not changed ..

    does anyone have any idea ..what i should do about this..

    i am also facing problem while updating

    table to insert time_key

    for which i am using..

    the following code

    update companyfact_staging

    set time_key =T.time_id

    from companyfact_staging F INNER JOIN time_staging T on


    WHERE F.time_key='01-jul-02'



    please could anyone help me..about this..

    as to what i should do..

    i would be grateful..thnx

  • Not sure I understand your logic here....

    If you have inserted 'missing' into the foreign key column, how are you expecting to update it it to a valid key value?

    Normally, you would have a row of raw data coming in that has say a textual typoe value (say it has company name of 'Steves Hardware'), which you would then use in your jon (or lookup) to the Company table to determine what surrogate key you want to use.

    The reason why your update isn't working is that you are joining on the field that you have already set to 'missing', so even if you had a 'missing' value in your company table, it would update to itself (ie 'missing') anyway.

    Send through some more of the schema if you would like some help setting it up.




  • sairah,

    on your first update statement:

    update companyfact_staging

    set company_key =T.company_code

    from companyfact_staging F INNER JOIN company_staging T on


    WHERE F.company_key='MISSING' Go

    I believe your problem can be fixed by changing the join to as follows:

    from companyfact_staging F INNER JOIN company_staging T on


    This is provided there is a company_key field in the company_staging table.

    As to the second update, you might want to try a CONVERT on the F.time_key in the where clause. Something like this:

    CONVERT(varchar(12), F.time_key, 101) = '07/02/2001'

    I hope this helps.

    Dave N

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