Long time of execution in object Execute Sql Task

  • Hi everybody, I have a package and the first object that run is a Execute Sql Task with a simple code but the execution time is aproximately 10 min, before this was 1 min. I don't know why happen this, someone have some idea?

    Any idea is wellcome.

    Thanks by your help.

  • I'd monitor your SQL instance w/ profiler when you run your package and see if it is taking that long to execute the query against the DB engine or if it is taking up that amount of time outside of the DB engine (aka SSIS).

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Hi Jhon, best I going to describe the confirugation of my server, maybe there is some conflict with this. The service of SQL Server is charged by my domain user because have acces a shared directory in other service, the object 'Execute SQL Task' that late a lot of time via in the package have the follow code:

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell

    find /c " " \\g100603sv078\Interfaces_Peru_IN\FD\SO287DS.197_2010-11-26T211605-0300

    Thanks by your help,

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