For Each Loop Enumerator for XML task

  • Hello,

    I am using SQL server 2008 SSIS,

    I have multiple xml files in a folder and I have to store the data in the database, I am using for each loop enumerator and xml task, but when I run this I get following below error:

    [XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.".

    [XML Task] Error: Property "New Source" has no source Xml text; Xml Text is either invalid, null or empty string.

    can anyone please help me to how to get around this issue.

    Thank You,

  • You need to check and see that your XML is valid first before trying to read/process it. There is a SSIS task for XML validation utilizing an XSD file. Incorporate that as part of the solution to help you get your XML data into a valid state.

  • ok, let me explain from the scratch what I am trying to do is I have multiple XML files, I need to bulk insert each one into a table in sql server. To achieve that is there any other option?

  • If your XML files are not all of the same format, then you will not be able to utilize a For Each Loop to import them. Using a FELC implies that the format of each file is identical, whether they be text files, csv files, or XML files.

  • yes format of each file is similar, now a I am able to configure xml task but I am stuck at configuring xml source how I am going to pass the file in variable and how it will created xsd file of the file that is in variable. thank you for replying.

  • I would appreciate if someone could help me out here or else let me know if none of you dont understand or dont know what I am talking about.

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