db files issue

  • folks

    in our production server i checked

    use abc


    o/p: it is showing like this how it is shows 2 Data and 2 Log files with in the same database?

    Name sizes File Path

    texa_Data 4211328KB D:\SQL2000\RMS_Data.MDF

    texa_Log 975104KB D:\SQL2000\RMS_Log.LDF

    abc_1_Data2368KB E:\rmsdb_weekly_backup\rms db weekly bkp abc_1_Log8kb E:\rmsdb_weekly_backup\rms_weekly_db backup

    i could not understand these two files

    abc_1_Data 2880 KB

    abc_1_Log 8 KB

    how to deal with these files,

    if i restore db also i am consider these files path

    let me know how to isolate these files.

  • I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but they look like the logical file names, associated with a physical file. You don't have two data files and two log files, the just have "two names".

    Take a look here to learn more on logical and physical file names: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms179316.aspx

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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