SQL Server Instance

  • Hi,

    Please could someone provide a simple explanation of exactly what an 'Instance' of SQL Server is?

    For example if I install a defualt version of SQL Server.

    I then install a second version on the same machine; but choose 'Named Instance'.

    Does this mean I have two instances?

    If, so, then what resources do they share and what resources are independant? e.g. Query Engine/Storage Engine/ Memory/ Cache's etc

    Thank you for any info. Really appreciated.

  • Read this Multiple Instances of SQL Server

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • - Yes you have two instances if you install default and later install named instance.

    - Resources shared are RAM and DISK IO, some these setting's are configured in SQL server by tweaking MAX MEMORY SETTING so each can share say RAM.

    - If you have cost constraint and planning to take this path be prepared to handle complexity of managing multiple instances.

    If you have no option but to take this burden, make sure you benchmark the application with database instances on test set-ups , before you go ahead deploy for production.


    Cheer Satish 🙂

  • Thank you both for your help.

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